Jeeps were sent overseas in crates though, so that part is correct. They were shipped as individual jeeps (SUPs - Single Unit Packs) and by twos in TUPs (Twin Unit Packs).
Here are some pictures of actual jeeps in SUPs from WWII.

And a reconstructed one, with too much stuff installed on it, but it gives you an idea.

I had heard of these scams and also seen pics of jeeps in crates and thought it would always be interesting to build one. A while ago, I found a laser-cut wooden crate for a jeep on eBay. It is made by CG Laser. It contains the laser-cut wooden pieces for the crate and small parts boxes, resin brake drums and wheel hubs, laser-cut paper for tie down straps, and a nice instruction sheet that tells you how to modify either the Tamiya Willys MB or Italeri jeep kits and how to assemble the crates.
Here is how it looks.

I used the Tamiya Willys MB, parts of an Aber PE set for it, and the CG Laser kit.
So far I have the jeep and the crate done. Here they are so far.

Next up is to paint the jeep and make some decals for the crate. I will be trying out a do-it-yourself dry transfer kit from Papilio Art Supply on the wooden crate since water slide decals won't work on it. We will see how that works out since I have never made my own dry transfers.
On the jeep, I am pretty sure they were shipped with only the serial numbers on the hood in haze blue, as on the Tamiya decal sheet. I don't think any other markings were on them when shipped, such as the hood star. I believe all other markings were applied at the unit level. Does anyone have any other info on markings on them?
As always, all comments are welcomed.