This is the building started some years ago and stopped for various reasons (like the particular turret)) of the superheavy german tank E-100 by Dragon
model + Krupp turret by Camett/Rhino + Atelier Infinite resin tracks set.

The hull (note fiddle with it with the Camett part... I having enlarged the well of turret and de facto, the turret floats indoors! I having therefore
glue underneath the roof of the hull, the Camett part designed for Trumpeter kit).Front hatches are re-appraise to make it of late models of style tiger
II. Masking it's to paint in black indoor of the fans. The detailling isn't yet ended and, all of the tools are missing. Some pieces come from a Dragon
model tiger II and some other from a Tamiya panther and panzer 4. I thank John for send me the two missing back plate (dark grey on the kit).

The turret with some additions (caps for lift + throws mine + hook for the crane for the lateral "schurzen".

Skirts (finally knockdown armour plating). I had the foundry effect with cellulosic thinner + fixings of the rings of lifts (in white plasticard) +
foundry numbers (come from the sprue kit!).

Exhausts and their protection. I had on the exhausts the foundry effect, the foundry numbers, the lifts hooks, new nuts and more realistic thickness (in
yellow plasticard).

Some other detailling.

Early of the work on the infrared device (good Great Wall Hobby set).

The lift crane of the lateral skirts such as drawn on a factory drawing like it's appeared in a Motorbuchverlag book. building isn't finished. the crane
measures about 2 cm long.

Detailling of the hull. I had the missing armour plates forgot by Dragon more the bolts of the transmission oil pans.

Fixings of the crane on the back of the turret. Hollowing-out, purely imaginary but credible.

Lift hooks on the guns mantlet.

I had Voyager nets + lift hooks on the engine deck.

Infrared device of the bordfuhrer (tank commander). I imagine a new fitting system ("usual" fitting no very useful for this tank).

I had some locks and handles on the turret hatches.

I had the reinforcements of the laterales armour plates. The last 2 parts is intended must be moulded in resin (I need about fifteen !)

The infrared device of the driver. On more time, it's purely imaginary but credible.

The fitting item on the hull of the infrared device of the driver and tank headlight. I imagine a connection of the infrared headlight on the catch of
the road headlight.

the master of the idler wheel arm.

The track links hooks holders. Missing the weld lines at this time.

The spart track links (Infinite part reworked) + Tamiya tiger 2 pieces.

Weld lines (made with soldering wire) on the cutting I do o the turret front for I can rotate the turret in 360° ...

If you don't make these ... You can't enterely rotate the turret !
2 figures of the tank members (tank commander and gunner) are created for this project. I'm greatly inspired by the Blast Models paperpanzer tank crew.
The 2 figurines come of Zvezda set of Tiger tank crew.
The masters of the created accessories:

The tank crew helmet come from a Tristar M1942 helmet. I added some rivets and one system to hold the headphons and a front absorber (for shocks). The
headphons come from Tamiya parts. The headphons holders come from Dragon PE set.

The masters of the binoculars IR + pack battery + commutator of the laryngophone.The IR binoculars. Zvezda Binoculars revised and itemized by addition
of a electric catch form Tamiya (IR system of the panther G late) and a rowel of regulating in scratch. The battery pack (one gaz mask cases) come from
Tristar. I had a which and an electric catch from Tamiya (IR system of the panther G late). I make also a scratch build commutator.

Addition of laryngophone in scratch and work on the heads (redefining of jaws between other things).

The not finished body armor. The outline is in plastic stretched. The engraving of figures is rather pretty (but I re-engraved and refined). The guns
holsters are those of the Zvezda figures (with work).

The straps of clamping are in leaf. In my enthusiasm, I not seen that my guys carried 2 different uniforms! I am therefore forced to make 2 models of
body armor.
Some news and "studio" pictures of the project.

And now, the sherman turret I decided to place on the diorama ...
It's a M4A3 (76) W turret. It come from the older Dragon model kit of the M4A3 (76) w HVSS (old range mixing parts of differents brands).
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The gun mantlet and the gun barrel ... Many work to obtain this thing ! The bigest mistake is the 2 holes on the mantlet, place in the wrong place.

Some views of the turret. It not perfect but, as I wants some who does not spoil with E-100, rather well of work to have this level of detail and, a
resumption of the turret front beside of the gun mantlet (too short!). For adding details, I used an old Aber PE set which remained from an old building
and some scratched bits.

Close-up on the small empty shells hatch (hollowing-out simplified on the kit) I had foundry mark (fine stretched plastic + glue + sanding) and added
foundry effect.
The E-100 model is virtualy finished. some detailling bits and I can paint it !

The convoy headlight cable (from lead wire of diameters .25 and .5 mm)

The weld lines on the front hull (made with A+B putty).

Adding of 3 holders for the 3t crane.

The Sherman turret finished.

The 2 impacts of 88 mm on the side of turret.

The 12.7 machine gun from Academy. I do not too much itemized because it will be on the soil.