COOL! Yeah, it does hit a little close to home.... but alas bet we will see more of this sort of thing (Chicago, NYC, LA, Phillie, to name a few, already employ various ex-military M-8 / M-20 derivations, "Commando" armored cars, and even some tracked M113 and related APC - in some cases with the guns)., so....
How spot-on ghastly - just what every modern town needs! A wheeled tank to keep the hoodlums at bay!
I would echo Gino's bits - light-bars would be a "must", decals, and yes, cleaner would be more likely - those rookies gotta do something with all their spare time!
I like that push-bar - various PD have used big vehicles as rams to bash into barricades and buildings... and move cars along, etc. Almost always the push-bar has some large rubber bumpers added.
It's a glorified cop car.... along with light-bars, there WILL be swivel-spotlights, flood lamps, and a siren!
Probably would not be "just" a wheeled command-post - the "owners" would not be able to resist the temptation to use it in action.... so maybe there would be some SWAT guys carried inside. They would have riot or break-in shields. These could be hung on those side racks (they would be likely to have "Police" decals, too

The M-19? mount is cool, and I can definitely "buy" it - maybe it should have some sort of shield around it? I think it like those water-cannon turrets seen on S.Korean Police riot cars and East German Poliziei trucks in the "bad old days"... they had/have shields - wouldn't want those L&O lads & lassies getting conked with a brick, now would we?!
As the expected sop to the sensitive amongst us.... I think there would likely be some sort of "Keep Back 500 feet" and other warning-type signage, to "protect the innocent".
It's Darned Cool!