I dont always work on ASLAV's!
This is a befehlspanther, '152' from 1.SS. This vehicle was KO'd in Ligneuville, Belguim in December 1944 during the Battle of Bulge/Watch Am Rhein.
Its the Cyber Hobby befehls smart kit, built virtually OOTB, for a competition here in Melbourne on 20th March.
OOTB doesnt mean that you cant thin parts down, i thinned down all the tool clamps and episcope guards, and have added a figure and some minor stowage, all allowed in our OOTB rules.
Here's the real thing:
And some WIP shots.
And here it is finished. Well im pretty sure its done now, unless there's something I missed. Being OOTB I cant change the tracks, which is a shame because im not happy with the way they sit. Stoopid DML magic track!
I'll get some shots of the rest of the OOTB panthers on the day of the comp, and post them up here too.