I know I`m a bit late on enlisting in the Barbarossa built but It took me a bit long in making up a nice concept for it
Suddenly I had it. I wanted to make a BMW motor that got stuck in the road. During the Barbarossa campaign the germans encounter a nice Fall wich turned the roads into mudpools (this period of time is called "RASPUTITSA" by the russians and so was the name for this dio born) wich slowed the complete advance of the germans. Now my scene is the smallest dio I have ever built 7,3 by 7,3 cm and depicts a BMW motor with sidecar stuck in the road. Next to it there are some boots (one on the sidecar side and two on the Drivers side) wich the crew lost while trying to get out of the mess. The last thing was more added due to a more humorous aspect.
Here are the pics

As always I like to hear all feedback people