Great Review Jason.
Here are a few things to add from my time on the real versions:
1)The muzzle reference sensor at the end of the barrel is mounted on the wrong place(should be mounted on the right hand side of the barrel)
2)Bracket for mounting the grousers on the front hull is missing all together(these mounts are horizontal mounts between the light clusters)
3) Light clusters missing mounting bolts and missing the horn on the left side.
4)Hull add on armour mounts, very weak in details and the hull add on armour, once past the first "brick" there is a noticeable space all the way to the rear.
5)For an in service version: do not mount slat armour, take off the 2 x ECM box's(kit shows these painted green , should be painted in tan)This will mean that you will have to add the slate armour mounts and the hundred of small Velcro patches and markings ( marking are the same as the Leo 2A6M, including the ladder dude).
6)Turret armour is very weak in detail as the kit's add on armour is missing the actual mounts along the turret sides.
This can all be fixed with a good walkaround selection of photos paying attention to these issues.
Which will be available soon on a DVD via Capital City AMPS, Edmonton Chapter (Home of the Leopards)