Posted: Saturday, September 13, 2003 - 10:01 PM UTC
Hi, I have abandoned my original project for this, my first group build as I ran out of time toi complete it. It was to be a Flak 36 in travel order. Anyway, I have decided to only do the Zundapp that comes with the Tamiya kit, tarted up with the Eduard PE set which has the wire spokes and other tiny details. I hope this will still make me elligible for the campaign. Anyway after struggling with the tiny bits of PE I present my first in progress pics:
Looking really good Zed. When some detail painting is added, it should look the part. One of the smaller vehicles that took part..... any figures planned along with this, or are you competing with faust for the smallest entry??
IPMS Stockholm
"The problem with common sense, is that it is not that common"
Virginia, United States Joined: December 13, 2002
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I have been struggling to get any time on this project because of work committments. However, if I get the chance I will try to add an appropriate figure or two and may display the whole lot on a diorama I have also been working on depicting a bridge in Western USSR. I just hope my camera and lighting arrangements are up to the job.
Colorado, United States Joined: February 01, 2003
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