This set along with many other M.B. will be ordered by me when my settlement comes in. M.B. has taken the leap others would not. The sets they are releasing are some of the best interactive around if the only ones yet. The mixture of civilian and military is quit nice. To bad other companies missed the boat on this, hint to D.M.L.!! Just look at it this way. In refferance research, how many pics do you see with military passing by or through civilians, or civilians standing on the side of the road. There will always be more civilians about the war zone than soilders, ratio wise, and they have to be somewhere. As a dio/vign builder, I love these sets. The possobilities are wide open as they are or as seperate set ups. You could even set them up as post war national guards helping after a natural disaster, flood/earthquake etc. The added bonus of course is the wagon and horse. Again as is or alone. I feel as if the companies out there are doing a fine job with new releases but M.B. has jumped ahead with these sets. Even if you don't do figures, the wagon can be used as a support in a dio for a a.f.v. or truck passing by. And the helmets can get replaced out of the stash box or if they sit too high as stated, just sand down the head a bit. Heck, what kit doesn't need a tweek here or there. From the M.B. kits I have and the future releases I see, M.B. is in the front with styrene and I will continue to purchase their kits. Good job M.B!