I am planning on building a diorama from 1944 in the Normandy region. The main kit that will be used is the Master Box "France, 1944" kit.
The story is that a nun filled up her wagon with food to take to needy refugees etc. On the way she finds a number of "passengers". She picked up two wounded German soldiers (From the Master Box "Ticket Home"), a wounded paratrooper (Masterbox "Paratrooper") and an escort of some American Soldiers (Soldiers from Masterbox "France 1944" and Tamiya). The wagon and entourage drives down a rural road where they are pulled into a farm yard by an American Soldier. A group of American Soldiers have made a temporary base at the farm where there is some relaxation time with the farmer and his granddaughter watching on. Enough said.
Firstly a picture of an overall view of the diorama:

A close-up of the wagon:

The entourage behind the wagon:

Grandpa and girl

Some soldiers chatting over some coffee:

Another view of the diorama:

Comments, Critique?