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British Markings=confusing/arcane/wtf is this all about.
Who says allied is boring?
They are a whole universe of research in their own right but follow a pretty logical pattern.
The Aos (Left front of Hull gives the Unit seniority (51,52,53 or the older desert based system) the right is the Formation (DIV or Bde) Insignia. The TUrret has the Squadron insignia (Geometric shape triangle = A, Square = B Circle = C) or Turret Numbers (Now they can be very confusingas at least three different schemes were used). The Colours like the Aos depict seniority although variations possibly existed with white markings for some units in the Desert (impossible to tell on way or the other).
Red Senior, Blue 2nd, Yellow 3 rd and Green if a fourth present.
Many truly ignorant commentators have made the usual throw away line that Allied Markings and colours were boring and predicable or that all Shermans were OD etc but Allied (COmmonwelath and French in Particular) had some of the most interesting and colourful schemes of the war including the first use of the so called "Ambush" Scheme (Royal Scots Greys of 4AB in Sicily and Italy).
The subject is every bit as fascinating as German Armour and finally getting a bit of attention from the manufacturers hence the greater number of interesting Allied subjects being seen in Competitions etc.