Here are the photos of the progress i made till now.
On special request ( hey Jeremy

The left door you can only make it in the cosed position out of the box. I wanted to make the door in the open position. Also made some bad paint job structure on the door...
The lead foil fender with the T-34 headlight and wiring...
The undercarriage. I made some extra styrene on the lead foil to make it more stronger to fit on the model...
Here you see the petrol tank inside the model. i got this from a other build log.
The bullet splash guard by the turret was a bit off scale, so i cut the of with a chisel and replaced these with some styrene strips. The damage to the guard is made by a German stiel handgranade...
The spare wheel holder is also a bit off scale and scratch build this one also.
The last one is from the rear back.
I hope you like it... I am going on a vacation now.
