Hey guys,
First i want to thank you all, for you're help and the info you provide for me.
I always say info is priceless and you cant have enough from it.
@ Alex z.
Yes, it is a BA-64B. My mistake. I had to put the title up correct. My humble apologies.
I don't know if i make the engine in it, because you see little to noting from it.
Te interior detail is pour and very basic. You see the big things but no small details. If you make this strait out of the box, within a day you have the build process ready.
Yesterday i made good progress. here are the pics
These 4 pics are from the upper hull. some welding seams i had to create myself with some tamiya glue and my mission model chisel.

The next 2 are from the lower hull. There is a welding seam thats missing on the side.

The wheels are molded on a nasty place on the sprue. be careful if you cut them out. Or you have holes in some rims like me...

The kit DT-28 and his replacement DT-28 from Tank

The clamps and clasps of the side tools are a bit rough. I sanded off the mold clamps and clasps and replace them with some spare T-34 photo etch clamps and clasps. The iron rod on the side i replaced completely and scratch build that one.

Again, thanks fore you're support!