This looks fantastic. I'm really into the 'Dust Thing' after building one of their resin Jagdluther's last year.
I cant praise these kits enough, easy clean up and easy construction. I had mine prepared, and built within 4 or 5 hours. And the painting and weathering is the best bit.
The multiple poses, and wide open door for a painting and weathering frenzy just added to the enjoyment. My kit lacked any decals, as most of them do, however recent releases have their own flavour of 'Dust World' decals, and you can also get sheets from them which are quite cheap and add so much to the Dust look and feel.
I havn't a clue how to post pictures, but you can see mine over on the BM site (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=55168&st=40&start=40). Apologies if putting this link in, is inappropriate)
To be honest, whilst a little expensive, it was the most enjoyable modelling experience in quite some time, simply because there was no rights and no wrongs, and anyone sitting on the fence should have a go. As a result I am now scatch building my own 'what-if Dust walker' with some kit parts, JB barells and a lot of plasti card.
Looking forward to seeing your progress, and getting some inspiration !.