Very nice idea, however, I'm not sure how useful they are. There is a thickness to the patches that using a decal cannot replicate. For the truly obsessed, you would have to first make a backing out of .005 styrene, paint it (to hide the white edges) cement it in place, and then apply the decal. Thankfully, my unit finds the wearing of these patches somewhat of a distraction, so doing me and my posse would be relatively easy.
That said, I see a Mountain tab, but no SF tab. I feel slighted. What if I wanted to portray a CONUS SF dude?
The 95th Division is a reserve unit (9 with a V transposed over it) and MIGHT have been seen by those drill sergeants sent to KMTC around '94 or 95, and ONLY there. Possible, but not likely.
Another item that might be useful is the plethora of "I love me" badges, ie, CIB, CFMB, Basic/Senior Parachutist wings, Dope on a Rope wings, Pathfinder, Recruiting badge, Yes, I've seen all of these worn in THEATER! I don't get it, but there you go. They could be resin decals like Archer does to give them some thickness.
Oh, and I'd like to see some others as well, like the fun meter, the suck meter, FDNY logo for baseball caps, and Tactical Squirrel'sSecret Squirrel patch.