Had a bit more time to work on this project today so I thought I would update all those of you still tuning in to our program. . . .
Was able to move the grab handles on the rear hull area to above the hatch doors, which is more correct. Not that the hatch doors are anywhere near close to correct, but who's keeping score, right? Also added the last antenna to the superstructure, it is in the center line at the back of the vehicle just above the rear hatch doors. Also added a grab handle on the right hand side of the vehicle which is on the real thing but not on the kit (surprise!). The other item that is not represented on the ESCI kit is the counter weights to balance all of the weight of the comm equipment, which I scratch built and added as well. The crew hatches are on, I opted to leave two of them open, just because. Seemed kinda stupid to have all the hatches closed. I might add a figure or two at some point to make it more presentable but that will be later.
So, what's left? I am re working the smoke grenade launchers as both the kit ones and the Trumpeter ones are pretty weak and I know that I can make them better with a little effort. I will be taking the Trumpeter ones and modifying them by adding a new mounting for it. The way the mounting is on the Trumpeter is 90 degrees off of the actual and the mounting bracket is a bit more substantial on the actual. The rear view mirrors will also be added soon and am holding off on the gas cans until later, as I will paint those separately.
Wheels might be provided by the Trumpeter kit, unless I can find time to mix up some molding material and resin soon. After that it should be on to a primer coat and touch ups. Without further ado here are the pics.
Last antenna

Hatches in place

New position for the grab handles and new rear antenna

Counter Weights and handle

Swim gear

Swim Gear