Thank you for the praise, and thank you even more for the constructive advice.
Machu: Sel was telling me about working with pastel chalk for a mud/dirt effect, I can't remember who it was but someone in rivet review used pastel chalk and when I saw the pics I thought it was real mud!! So I plan on experimenting with chalk to work on my weathering skills. We didn't get the airbrush until the Barbarossa Build was almost over and with no experience, I did not want to just go right into using it for weathering effects. I do plan on practicing with it before I attempt to use it on an actual model.
WeWillHold: I know the model looked too clean, I realized that after I finished drybrushing, but seeing as it was so close to the deadline, I figured I'd add more weathering effects and experiment with it when I get some practice in, and spiff the little bugger up a bit.
I really wanted to throw a patch of mud over the one decal. I forgot to work on that until after I took the pics and posted it for the deadline.
AJLaFleche: I noticed actually several areas on the model after the pics were posted that needed some sanding down to get rid of the seams and give it a smooth look. The fit was good though and Tamiya did a great job with the fitting and sizing. Very little was needed to have the pieces fit together snugly.
scoccia & stugiiif: Well, I have a little bit of each to decide to work on. I'm pulling out of the Age of Aces Campaign as I didn't want to work on two models at the same time and it was taking me too long to complete the 222. I have traded a model I was going to buy for myself with Sel for a Panther Tank so here's what I have on the list so far to possibly build next: Red Baron's Fokker DR. I Tri-Plane, BF109E Messerschmidt Plane, Panther Tank, and Babylon 5 Space Station.