Dragon Models have just announced a New, 1/35th Scale, figure set. Once again, familiar territory is being covered but that should not take awy from its usefulness.
I like the guy that is eating. A set of four like that would have been very original.
Great nations do not fall because of external aggression; they first erode and decay inwardly, so that, like rotten fruit, they fall of themselves. The strength of a country is the sum total of the moral strength of the individuals in that country.
England - South East, United Kingdom Joined: March 04, 2007
KitMaker: 1,330 posts
Armorama: 1,017 posts
Now I'm not into german stuff but this set looks great. Very relaxed poses and great faces to boot. well done DML more like these please but how about some decent allied for a change. I know change the record! LOL
The influence of Tank and Stalingrad seems apparent here: more soldiers who look like they're in the field and fewer "Heroes of Socialism" pointing to the horizon.
AFAIK, only the weapons and equipment are Gen2, the figures themself are of the "regular" style.
Talking of the guy on the right, notice how he's leaning on a G41 in the box art, but the CGI renders show a G43, which won't fit in the timeframe of the set. I wonder if the kit wil use a sprue from the German infantry weapons set 2 for the G41 rifle like the 20th Waffen-Grenadier-Division figure set did?
California, United States Joined: December 24, 2009
KitMaker: 9 posts
Armorama: 8 posts
nice..an other set of, well, German figures, what a suprise..I do have an idea for Dragon, seeing how they just love them cool Germans..why not do sets of German figures from each day of the war? they can start out on Sept. 1, 1938, until May 8th, 1945..just a thought
England - South West, United Kingdom Joined: January 01, 2010
KitMaker: 717 posts
Armorama: 697 posts
I just picked this set up at the LHS, it is going to be one of two projects in the near future (over my winter break) to see if I can achieve similar results to what I hve seen others accomplish. I wll try to (I know there is no try )post a review this weekend. A quick glance a the contents of the box, tells me the kit suffers from not having a PE fret.
"That's not fair. That's not fair at all. There was time now. There was all the time I needed...! It's not fair!"
--- Henry Bemis (aka Burgess Meredith)
Actually they"ll do 0ne for each general,next is Guderian, Kleist, Model, Paulus... and finally the unimportant ones like Hommel or however that africa guy was named.
Free men are their own masters. If you are not - you are a slave.