yaroslav have you thaught about making a dedicated set of supressors??? i personally could use them in a wide array of calibres and for different fire arms, like pistols, snipers, assualt rifles,smgs, also have you thaught about producing balistics vests, assault vests, pistols, smgs, linked full belts,british sa80's, L129 marksman rifles, cheytac intervention .50 rifles,hk 416/417, m24, m25, mk 19 gmg, day sacks,spotter scopes, flash/stun grenades, smoke grenades, demo packs, det cord, c4 etc, there are massive gaps in the market atm and with your skill you should be exploiting them. i hope you listen to what ive said becuase currently i own at least 2 of every one of your products released and dont want to think that my voice is not heard.