Sure the add-on armor in styrene, is a very nice and long awaited release.
Sure, the models of all (and I mean all) of the eastern-block tanks, are not 100% accurate.
And to my opinion there is no way, of making it 100% exact.
I mean, do you think that the Russian (and Chinese) authorities, would allow, civilians to have access to the tanks drawings and blue-prints????
This is unheard of, and a decade ago, would be fatal

COLD WAR Gentlemen!!!! Remember that!!!
Mind the fact, that NATO, and allies, waited for the May 1st Parade, the Victory day parade, and other celebrations, to find out what the "secret" projects of the Soviets looked like!!!
We cannot expect things to change in 11 years!!!!
Taken in consideration, that, all the model making companies have studied, destroyed tanks (I guess all of us heard, that TAMIYA guys studied a burn-out Iraqi T-62), war trophies, or museum exhibits, we cannot expect to be 100% accurate.
So In my opinion, enjoy, the building of Soviet/Russian models, with their "flaws" and "inaccuracies", and also imho, try to fix them!!!!
Personally, I don't have any problem gazing my T-62s and T-55s, in my window , next to my rest of the models!!!!! And certainly, I will not stop making, all other "russian green" monsters I have in my stash...