Some progress on the gun site, this is without the PE and several other bits that still need to be added lol. Lost track of the number of parts but about 4 to 5 average in each mini sub assembly.
Only points to note so far, you may wish to add part B70 the elevating ratchet later than step 3 as it needs to be aligned to the ratchet wheel added in step 9 and the fitting of sub-section 11 in step 10.
Only fit issue I've had is with part A9 the separator at the rear of the trail, Step 13. Mine pushed the end of the trail out a bit and made fitting the top and bottom covers (A49 and A3) difficult. Left a slight gap to fill. Probably just file the ends of part A9 but you will not find that out until Step 17.
Part B77 is best left off until you mount the sight. It was only looking at some reference pictures that gave me the correct location forward of the sight plate, this isn't easy to pick up in the instructions.
Anyway here's how things look at the moment.
