April, 1945. The Third Reich is in its death throes. The Western Allies, having bounded over the Rhine River, Germany's last natural line of defense, race deep into the enemy's heartland. German resistance is crumbling all along the front with thousands of soldiers surrendering every day. The men on both sides know that Germany is beaten and don't want to die so close to the war's end.
However, the fighting has not yet come to a complete end. Pockets of die-hard fanatics continue to hold out, determined to fight to the last. Small battle groups made up of whatever worn out troops and equipment can be scraped together are thrown into the line in costly yet vain counterattacks. Even though the end was in sight, the fighting and dieing continued.
I've tentatively titled this diorama 'To The Last.' It will depict a battle on the streets of a ruined German town, and will feature a Tasca M4A3, DML M3A1 and Panther A, figures of US armored infantry and German Fallschirmjagers from various sources, and probably four scratchbuilt ruined structures.
First up will be the Panther, which is the original issue of DML's late model A in Normandy. Pictures of progress soon to follow.