Here is a little to add, from a review that I did back in Nov for another site:
After looking at the turret, it looks from the angels that is is backwards. After compairing two other turrets from other companies, the trump turret doesn't have the right angles on the body and around the gun ports.
(After compairing three different turrets from MapleLeaf Models and Best value Models, have found that the kit turret , will need to be replaced.)
The front a-frames have what looks like a small bullet. It is designed as a bumper for the a-frame from hitting the ground hard, should be bigger shaped like nose cone( parts A13 &A14) and is missing the steering stops, which would go in front of part A19. They look like small bolts welded onto the hull. Also missing is the hook up for the windshield electrical connection, which would be just left of the drivers hatch.
The differentials are missing the shift cylinders, for taking the Grizz from 4x4 to 6x6.Mounted on the rightside.
Parts A26,38,39 should be hollow , as they are u shaped plates to protect the vent and brake lines.
Parts C7 the mirrors should be more rounded at the corners and facesideways not up and down as they are in the instructions.
To make a Grizzly as the decals that are given, fill in hole for part H13 , the land line connector for field phones, and the 2 holes just to the left for the late version communications box parts H24,25. These parts would be fine for a Grizzly post 2000, when the new comms kit was added.
By the rear air sentry hatchs, there should be mounts and brackets for pioneer tools that are missing.
On the door, do not mount part B19,B6 shovel, would have been mounted on top of hull.
Jerry cans, show water type cans. stowage diagrams place them insides as dirt would get inside, should have been fuel type.
Parts H3,H4 the .50cal & 7.62mm barrles will need to be replaced with after market ones that look the part.Turret is missing continious footmans loops to secure kit and stowage, around the top edge and bottom edge of the (backwards ) turret. Also, missing rear attachment points for dis mounted tripods for the turret guns.
Missing the part in the instructions on how to put the turret together, after part 12.....? Also, how to build the spot light and add the box's & grenade lauchers on the turret....
The hull side episcopes will need to be shaved down a bit, they stick out a little to much and they might be off in position on the hull.
The engine grills are to high, will need to sand them down.Also, they look to be in the wrong spot.
Part B10, will not be used, as it was for the Cougar AVGP.
Missing licence plate mounting bolts on the front hull right side and right rear.
Antennas way to short , wrong looking AMU's.
The tire are directional and should have the treads faceing forwards, page 15 bottom diagram the tires tread should face the other direction.The whel hubs, for an early version should have a nex nut for a check plug, which was replaced by a sight glass around 1989.
Wrong coloured reference, should be three tone camoflage of olive green, olive drab green & flat black for the timeframe given for the kit .
The coloured reference used in the instructions are the same given for thier AVGP Cougar kit, which is taken from a gate guard monument.
Here is a walkaround of a Late version: have spent enough time on this type of vehicle over the years, and if anyone is building one, drop me a e-mail and will point them out in the right direction with thier build.