Unfortunately it's a little smaller than I anticipated......
Actually it's a 1/12 styrene kit from FineMolds in Japan but I figured the first pic might fool you....
This is the kit....
Another pic to show the scale...
...the painting was basically an exercise in drybrushing. I used a basecoat of an automotive acrylic green...I think it was Ford Tartan Green but I've since binned the tin.
That was followed by a wash using old thinners mixed with a dab of MIG Fantasy Oilpaint 'Starship Filth'.
When totally dry I used various shades of Humbrol greens going paler all the time.
Metallics are either matt black base drybrushed with aluminium and bright silver, or Games Workshop (Citadel) Boltgun Metal used neat.
The bare metal faces of the table components were first painted matt black then coloured using an 8B artists pencil which was then polished using a paper towel.
The paint chipping is Humbrol dark grey and the 8B pencil again.
I'm thinking of building a small workshop base to display it on...