So I am working on the building for this dio now, have no idea what vehicles or figures will be in it as of yet. The design of the building came from Carlos (Blockhaus) so the credit goes to him for the design and I hope that my building skills are worthy of bearing his name on the design :-
I will be building this out of 3 kinds of cork some of which came all the way from Spain to be placed on this building. Im using three kinds because they all very in thickness to give better visual interest.
Here is the original art work drawn by Carlos:

So I started cutting the foam core to the right shape and size as well as chopping endless amounts of cork for the stones and bricks. This was my first attempt at working with cork for many years and was satisfied with how this was coming out, that was until I showed Carlos and got schooled on my errors

After the discussion with Carlos I decided I needed to rip off the brick section and start over, as you can see in the next photo the bricks are spaced to far apart and the joints are all uneven. This makes for an unrealistic look as no building would be constructed in this messy manner.

SO after spending many hours reworking the bricks I managed to come out with a much better end result thanks to the guidance of Carlos. You will see the bricks are better spaced and all are even with one another.