Hey Matt. I don't want to be insensitive, but since you've asked for 'constructive feedback', let me offer a bit.
First, Gino has offered you some excellent advice. He is a man who has been in, on and around these machines for many years and has spent a lot of time building and researching. He gave you advice about the grates, the radiator cap, the camo, the markings and the MRE's. However, you seem to have listened to none of it. I understand the fun in just building a kit for the fun of it and painting it however you want and hanging all sorts of cools stuff off of it, accurate or not. I do this on occasion just for a break from the tedium of historical research. However, if I can say this without being cruel, don't ask for advice that you don't want. You're still using the MRE's, you haven't changed the radiator cap despite the excellent pix Gino provided at your request, you've used a totally fictional camo scheme and a green star!
I don't know your experience level and, agin, I don't want to be cruel, but if I may, I'd like to offer some advice. For the level that your building and painting skills seem to be, don't worry about conversions and accuracy and detail. Worry about building a good kit out of the box and painting it well. For example, I noticed blobs in your paint, nasty overspray, silvering on the decals, mold lines all around, etc. It's not the end of the world, but these are the basics.
Master the basics (Shep Paine's book is still the best on this subject) and learn to control your airbrush. As an example, consider that Armor Modeling Rock Star, Mig, builds most of his kits out of the box and uses masterful building and painting to make them spectacular.
Please understand, I mean this in love and kindness; I'm not trying to belittle you. But, I think we all need someone who will tell us the truth when we need to hear it.