I have now both Kinetic and Panda kits side by side on my desk, and by no means can assure that one is actually better
Both have accuracy issues, and I believe its quite subjective what are the greatest or more important.
On one hand you have the "simplified" Kinetic kit which appears to be light years ahead in buildability, on the other hand you find Panda's offer with far more PE and what I feel is in some subassemblies a bit of overengineering, that ironically doesn't mean better fit or far cleaner lines, not to talk about missing details
Flashes? Yes, on both kits, at least in those I got
Measurement and/or shape issues? Yes, again in both kits and you can find elsewhere lists of them
My feeling here is that Kinetic kit is for those modellers looking for a fun and not so hard build, that as always gives room for improvement if you feel the need, and that will survive to measurement unaccuracies. And Panda's model is for those modellers who like "wrestling" with a kit to get a right fit here and there, and anyway will end adding a number of AM parts to get the job done. All this said by a guy -me- who is decided to get a decent result of an old Trumpeter Type 79 whatever it takes.... so I'm not pointing my finger on anybody
I'll build Kinetic's one first, and then I'll see when I get the determination to go for Panda's one -if it actually ever happens-
Just my 2cts