Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the comments, the BMW is really taking shape ! Thomas your build looks alot more complicated than mine.
Its been a while since the last post, I have a really bad chest infection which has closed up my throat and kept me off work since Monday. Simple things like breathing and swallowing really hurt unfortunately that means I cant spray until it gets better.
The build portion of the project is completed, and I have been working on other aspects of the build such as the MG34 and drum magazine case.
The drums and case are Griffon Model from their MG34/42 Ammo set.

The MG34 is from Dragon (Gen 2) with a Aber replacement barrel. The ammo comes from the Griffon model set.
I replaced out the gear selectors as they were not realistic and replaced them with very thin wire, the round metal spheres on the selectors are made from lead solder which I heated and then drilled

I scratched build the fuel can holder on the side car, it looks ok, I have also added all the wiring to the bike

I have added the support strut for the two wheel container but do not plan to add it to the model

I plan to make this a DAK bike so I will attach a 20L water container to the spare wheel

Last Image with a very old Tamyia figure for scale. (Think he came from a assault gun?)
Amazon have lost my Kingtiger book and have to re-order it so I will be starting another interim project soon a Tristar SD.Kfz 222 a DAK vehicle with Lionroar and Aber upgrades. I like to keep things simple