Thanks for an excellent review Russ.
Having made the previous un-Zimmed incantation, it all looks very similar, except for the new pieces with the Zimmerit on. That's not to take anything from the kit, because as Russ says, this is a very good kit.
Now this kit poses me a question, because the colour scheme they have given for the Hohenstaufen vehicle is exactly the same as that given for the previous version without Zimm, so which is correct? If we are saying that about 103 were produced during August-September 1944 (when Zimm finished), most of these would have gone to Ardennes units (I know that 12SS HJ definitely had some)? Having completed the kit and carefully replicated the camo scheme, it would be a bit rough if it should be Zimmed!
I also notice that the kit includes (as did the previous version) two sets of Hohenstaufen insignia, yet they are not called for in the instructions (not complaining, they will do nicey for trucks!), and 9SS tended not to mark their armour as far as I can tell.
"Lord Raglan wishes the cavalry to advance rapidly to the front, follow the enemy, and try to prevent the enemy carrying away the guns. Troops of Horse Artillery may accompany. French cavalry is on your left. Immediate. Airey."