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Thank to every one for responding .
Sabot : do you have the article by any chance ? or any one else for that matter ? if you do p.m. me and let's make a deal
Carface : Thanks for telling me about muzzle_flash great pics from him
Venom : NTC is in the Mohavae ( sp ? ) desert just south of Death Valley . This is where the Army does it's large scale combat manuver training . The OPFOR uses old M-551 Sherdins modified to look like T-72s and BMP s , there are a few actual soviet tanks in use there . When the visiting team is getting ready in garisson to go into the manuver box the OPFOR is buzzing around getting ready as well . So that is what I'm trying show in this dio. It's still early - so be patient with me . :-)
Grizzly bear : I think my old m1a1 became one of the OPFOR tanks , we left it at ft. irwin as part of a payment plan or some thing like that . Thanks for the link - it helped a lot
Red : thanks
Muzzle_flash : welcome to the site good to have you here . I was at NTC in july of 1999 for 3 weeks . Thanks for sharing the pics . Is that you in the pic with all the 105 mm rounds ?
WWH and SS : thanks buds - i'll do my best with this one (++)
Your'e very welcome, and I hope my pics give you some fabulous ideas for your dio. I posted the pics of the actual desert scenes as I did not know for sure if you had ever been to Ft Irwin or not, and thought you might need an idea of what it actually looks like. Yes, that is me standing in front of the 105mm ammo pile. We were on our annual "Blue Force" training rotation. That is also me in the jeep holding the radio mic.
I do have one tidbit of info you might find useful, possibly not to the better interest of the dio though, in that the fact that OPFOR forces actually engage in very little buzzing around prior to a "rotation". The reason is that there are several rotations in a row. In your case, when you were there in July 1999, we (OPFOR of the past anyway) would have just came in from the prior rotation and had about three days to a week of no exercises. This went on for weeks at a time, then we would have a short break, and it would start all over again. Since we became acclimated to the desert environment, and the fact that we only spent a night or two in the desert without coming back to the barracks during the rotation, we were required to carry very minimal equipment and supplies with us. We were only required to take one canteen water on our bodies. Our required gear only consisted of a pistol belt with mounted canteen, shaving kit, and a flashlight. So, our tanks stayed pretty well ready to go, or at least required very minimal work to get it ready for the next rotational exercise. We pretty much hopped in them and took off. So, my point here is, in your dio, I personally think that mixing US Armor with the vismods in such close proximity would be inaccurate (that is if I am seeing what I think I am seeing in your pics), depending upon what you are exactly wanting to portray. "Blue Forces", the rotational visiting unit, stayed in the desert many miles away from our motorpool and our paths only crossed in the actual battle exercise. This, however, may be different now, but that was certainly the case in my days there. Good luck on your dio!