how do u make realistic blood
Hosted by Darren Baker


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 09:21 AM UTC


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 09:46 AM UTC
I would say it has to be quite dark, so I would mix red with black so there is just a "hint" of red present. Blood remains bright red for only a VERY short time....hope this helps :-)


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 11:06 AM UTC
yes Robert has got it - dark dark red, almost black and not much. Try to position the figure in such a way that by posture or position you know they are dead or wounded, and use the blood as a 'finishing' note.
yes Robert has got it - dark dark red, almost black and not much. Try to position the figure in such a way that by posture or position you know they are dead or wounded, and use the blood as a 'finishing' note.


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 11:19 AM UTC
I for one,wouldn't want blood in any of my just seems a little over the top to me BUT I think the others have it covered.


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 11:50 AM UTC
Interesting...........our opinions on the 'blood' issue. I recently came across a great article/build-up that depicted a dio that was taken from the fairly recent film " Saving Private Ryan". The setting is the one from the end of the film where Capt. John Miller is lying, mortally wounded beside a motorcycle with sidecar on the bridge, firing his .45 at the oncoming German tank.
The gentleman who built this dio decided to include evidence of Capt. Miller's upper chest wound, i.e., blood. He accomplished this task very well (not completely accurate), but, very well indeed. In my opinion, the blood in this case was needed, almost a requirement.
Because, (you were all hoping I'd justify the 'because'...weren't you?
) when viewing the dio, we are all mentally transported back to the time when we were sitting in the dark theatre's, watching the movie for the first time, and came to empathize with the good Capt.Miller. We wanted him to succeed in his quest to find this Private Ryan. We thought of him as the essential, needed, character in this heart-rending story. And I don't know about all of you, but when Tom Hank's character, Capt. Miller, got shot, it hurt. You were moved by this turn of event's. "Please, not Capt.Miller. Let him get home to his wife.....please!"
All thing's are important IF they serve the scene, and induce the intended emotional response. IMHO, of course.
The gentleman who built this dio decided to include evidence of Capt. Miller's upper chest wound, i.e., blood. He accomplished this task very well (not completely accurate), but, very well indeed. In my opinion, the blood in this case was needed, almost a requirement.
Because, (you were all hoping I'd justify the 'because'...weren't you?

All thing's are important IF they serve the scene, and induce the intended emotional response. IMHO, of course.


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 12:24 PM UTC
Something to take the edge off of Uday's post:
Aren't they cute?

Aren't they cute?


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 12:28 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Al Jihadi has colour #0731 Infidel Bloode Red
Gee, Uday, can't seem to find that brand in my Squadron catalogue...

Closest match may be Citadel Troll Bloode


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 01:03 PM UTC
it seems we have a regular bob hope... a real ultra marroon in UDAY...Jim, can't you screen this guys comments?
i bet you edit the word "shithead" out of this next comment.
"Uday is a real poo-poohead."........("....hmmmmm you edited that one....")
I like a joke as much as the next guy but, even joking about the terror this guy inflicted upon the human race isn't funny.
and we have GI's losing their life everyday over there because of Uday's daddy.
fun is fun but, i'm no longer laughing
this site is part of what i do to "get away" from the real world. believe it or not.
remember sept. 9th...hell, remember everyday a soldier dies
i bet you edit the word "shithead" out of this next comment.
"Uday is a real poo-poohead."........("....hmmmmm you edited that one....")
I like a joke as much as the next guy but, even joking about the terror this guy inflicted upon the human race isn't funny.
and we have GI's losing their life everyday over there because of Uday's daddy.
fun is fun but, i'm no longer laughing
this site is part of what i do to "get away" from the real world. believe it or not.
remember sept. 9th...hell, remember everyday a soldier dies


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 01:07 PM UTC
I would try just some Model Master Crimson. Its dark red, and with a little gloss overcote, would look pretty real! Mkae sure to have a sucking chest wound with blood just pouring out of it!


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 02:13 PM UTC
Dresden Bombing was a tragedy, and I don't think we should joke about it. I really think it's best that the above pic being removed or at least take away the mention of Dresden 1945.


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 02:29 PM UTC
Sorry guys.......did I miss something? Is it my post you guys are talking about??????????
............OR, who the H E double hockey stick's (can't edit that one) is Uday?


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 03:57 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Sorry guys.......did I miss something? Is it my post you guys are talking about??????????
............OR, who the H E double hockey stick's (can't edit that one) is Uday?

Dang, where's my bily goat when I need him? >:-I~


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 04:39 PM UTC
Blood doesn't have to be "taboo", but it tends to take away from the modeler's work if overdone... and usually it is overdone. Some of my dio's have a bit of blood here and there... for example, my "Sniper" photo depicts a soldier laying on the ground in front of a chair with a single bullet-hole in the chair back. There is a small amount of blood in the chair, and in the corresponding area of the soldiers back, indicating he was sitting in the chair when shot, and slumped to the floor.
On the otherhand... gallons of blood would diminish any diorama, unless it was a beef slaughterhouse!
On the otherhand... gallons of blood would diminish any diorama, unless it was a beef slaughterhouse!


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 04:40 PM UTC
Thanks Jim...for pulling Uday's for the kittens image...kittens are cute, even when falling from the sky.
and i regret any comment that may have offended any of the rest of you.
and i regret any comment that may have offended any of the rest of you.


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Posted: Monday, October 20, 2003 - 09:00 PM UTC
remember that blood is only bright red near the surface of the skin you can see that when you slice you finger again with that No11 blade so if its a deep wound the blood is much darker alomst a black/brown colour this is due to less oxygen in the blood deeper into the body and if you are doing a sucking chest wound there will be a bit of froth round the wound
area and if hes getting aid he will be sitting in a "w" postion this is sitting up with his knees up
area and if hes getting aid he will be sitting in a "w" postion this is sitting up with his knees up


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 12:52 AM UTC
Thx AJLaFleche for taking the time to clear that one up!
KFMagee: Good point. Your post is another great example of what I was trying to say in mine. Only from a slightly different viewpiont. Without your 'bit of blood' the viewer would find it hard to desern exactly what happened in your dio. What the blood did was "serve the scene"......
mikeli125: Sounds like your an EMT or something?
Tread out.
KFMagee: Good point. Your post is another great example of what I was trying to say in mine. Only from a slightly different viewpiont. Without your 'bit of blood' the viewer would find it hard to desern exactly what happened in your dio. What the blood did was "serve the scene"......
mikeli125: Sounds like your an EMT or something?
Tread out.


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 01:26 AM UTC
Quoted Text
remember that blood is only bright red near the surface of the skin you can see that when you slice you finger again with that No11 blade so if its a deep wound the blood is much darker
Quoted Text
Sounds like your an EMT or something?, he sounds like he's been a modeler for awhile to me.


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 01:40 AM UTC
I use "roof brown" color for blood... I'm quite happy with the result... I just concentrated a blob of paint in the center, (where you would like it to bleed...), a few drybrsh strokes and you're done...^_^
Hope this helped!
Hope this helped!


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 03:47 AM UTC
mikeli125: Sounds like your an EMT or something?
Tread out.
Tread no mate it's one of the first aid drill we get taught in the army all squaddies have to do 1st aid re-training every year as part of thier training directives it's
just that sucking chest wounds always stick in my mind I used to think they were love bites on a womans breasts


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 04:30 AM UTC
Here's a good combo picture showing a good blood color and a good weathered M577 floor and commander's platform.

Not sure why my fellow platoon member, who is afraid of needles, volunteered to take the Combat Lifesaver course and not sure why the Lt. let him try out his IV skills.

Not sure why my fellow platoon member, who is afraid of needles, volunteered to take the Combat Lifesaver course and not sure why the Lt. let him try out his IV skills.


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 04:50 AM UTC
Really Oscar Wilde time on this thread isn't it..... Laugh? I nearly started... oh the kittens are just so,so witty, hey tell you what, ive got some images from 9/11, why don't I post them up and we can see who produces the most 'amusing' caption? Hey Chip, you ever seen the aftermath of a bomb? even a small 'freedom fighter' one, jeez, its a pity you haven't, they are so effing amusing.... Grow up. Jim


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 05:00 AM UTC
For those of you wonder why me and Jim made such a big fuss about Dresden, instead of Uday's original post that got deleted. Here is why
I think sometimes, we need to set our priority straight a bit, we need to be able to distinguish a somewhat half joke of an obvious troll from distastful joking about thousands of civilians lost their lives in War for no good reason at all. Where is our sense of humour, and where is our decency?
I think sometimes, we need to set our priority straight a bit, we need to be able to distinguish a somewhat half joke of an obvious troll from distastful joking about thousands of civilians lost their lives in War for no good reason at all. Where is our sense of humour, and where is our decency?


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 05:07 AM UTC
I concur with Dave and Jim.
The gravity of the incident is not always appreciated by those who reference Dresden, it should be. If you do not agree, please read one of the many articles on the topic.
The gravity of the incident is not always appreciated by those who reference Dresden, it should be. If you do not agree, please read one of the many articles on the topic.


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 05:14 AM UTC
I really did not mean to start anything with my original picture of the kittens. Uday's troll post was so nasty I knew it was moderator bait and wouldn't last long. I thought I would post the picture of the kittens to, like I said, take the edge off of Uday's post.
Sorry, I really did not mean to get this thing started.
Sorry, I really did not mean to get this thing started.


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Posted: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 05:16 AM UTC
Dresden was a tragedy that should have never happened. Hundreds of thousands incenerated by Allied fire bombing.
For more Info look here:
Should have been considered a war crime.
For more Info look here:
Should have been considered a war crime.
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