I finished the dio for this group build. Anyone sees anything that can be improved on please do tell. Sorriso , if anyone wondered, means Smile in Italian. As far as I can see for my number 2 dio I am very pleased. Hope to improve on #3. Had alot of fun putting this together. Special thanks to Fabio for his help and Venom. Wish I could help you clean your work area Fabio but, I dont have a HAZMAT liscense! Enjoy and comments
Wasnt sure what to put on this plate so...My company name came to mind #:-) A few more shots and the build history are in my gallery here at Armorama!
Why not make the whole plane out of the same material the blackbox is made from?
Nice work out there, excellent I have to say for a second attempt at all. What I'll do is just to give a bit more "dusty" look to the tires... Keep on going like this!!! Ciao
Impetu Hostem Perterreo
Florida, United States Joined: December 27, 2001
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Very nice work there PvtParts! This came together nicely. I like the simple, easy to understand layout. The earth-work looks terrific. The only thing I would like to see is more personal effects in the vehicle, ie. canteens, fuel cans, etc... Great job, and to think it's only number two!
I will not grease the monkey bars. I will not grease the monkey bars. ... Bart's chalkboard amercement
Wisconsin, United States Joined: September 01, 2002
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Posted: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 12:53 AM UTC
Very nice diorama. I like the simplicity. I think the ground came out well. The car is very nicely done. I think others have offered a few 'nice touches'.
New Jersey, United States Joined: June 18, 2003
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Posted: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 02:52 AM UTC
Thanks for comments and tips, A dusting is in order. Possible more gear?..Only the 2nd time in my modelling career Ive ever done figures so improvements will come with time...I Hope ( at least from a distance they look good) :-)
Why not make the whole plane out of the same material the blackbox is made from?
very Nice! The figure uniform are correct The ground work is great, very real. the vehicle is well done and well weatered, I don't think it needs more dirt or rust. In the end no critics from me but a big congrats!! nice to see other people enjoing italian subject
P.S. if you need infos about other italian dio or amrors contact me or Scoccia(he's a very encyclopedia about italian tank) regards
New Jersey, United States Joined: June 18, 2003
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Venom and Fabio, You guys have been great and I always know where to go for info on Italian subjects ( Which I already have a few more to do) Thanks so much and my hat is off to you!
Why not make the whole plane out of the same material the blackbox is made from?
California, United States Joined: September 16, 2002
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