While not a huge post war armor fan, the T-55A I did a while back was one of the best kits I have built so when I saw the Engima I just had to do one. Plus I don't have to go nuts trying to come up with a unique color and markings scheme... 1 color, no markings.
I am doing things out of order while I wait for the PE set that I ordered from Japan to be shipped from Poland. Huh?
The plan from the beginning was to cut the armor blocks apart to be able to "crap up" the welds at each edge... really bad, the Iraqis were way worse than the Russians...12 of 'em on each block. I didn't want the hollow side so I filled that piece with resin, glued on the back and cut them with a razor saw. The kerf was the perfect size.
Added a few more bits and bobs to the turret. Scartched off and rpelaced to support rods for the gun sand cover. Added a couple of electrical conduits and a hand rail . The one in the front is .08mm brass tube since it wall have wires coming out of the open end for the search light.. The other end was bent wih a piece of wire inside to keep it from creasing.
The turret texture is Squadron putty thinned with acetone and stippled on. The surface was then rolled with a Micro chisel handle to flatten it then brushed with some acetone to softened a bit more. Did some "CU" work on the welds too.