Here's the chassis. I primered the trees all with rattlecan Krylon red primer, which goes on really smooth and seems a pretty good match for the red primer seen on wehrmacht AFVs, followed by Krylon grey primer, which looks like a scale-effect panzergrau. (Actually, a lot of scale effect, as in braille scale.) I painted over partially with Model Master panzergrau, which is substantially darker. A little of the grey is worn away to reveal primer--I don't know of any photographic evidence for this, and it seems from references that panxergrau was pretty good quality paint that wore well, but it stands to reason. Winter camo will be going over that anyway.
I thought it might be a good idea to add actual rust to the mufflers, and got some from my '92 Jeep Cherokee, which is a rich source of the substance, and sifted it though a 120-mesh sieve, but ended up stippling them with a mix of browns and rust reds to get something like the desired effect. I also hollowed out the exhausts with a #55 drill bit. There were some fit problems (this being originally a Gunze kit from way back when) with the towing lugs on the rear of the track tensioning assemblies, and while the wheels & sprockets have alignment pins built in, I had to consult references for the alignment of other parts. (And, egad, look at those trailing arms for the road wheels! Not only molded onto the hull, but overly thick like they were afraid they'd break off.)
I'm not sure why modelers want wheel masks, as painting tires doesn't seem difficult to me--just use a liner brush and thin the paint, then relax and exhale as you paint, like you're firing a rifle. Weathering covers a multitude of sins, too.
This is on track to be done well before the end of February, since this build will be OOB except for cutting the extensions off a couple winterketten and it will be buttoned-up.