@Alex: that´s a real bummer with the decals, I know about that I´ve been there too, and because of the fear of silvering I didn´t bother adding any what so ever, for years. Then I tried this,

gloss coat the model and while this is still wet (a bit more than damp) add the decals.
If you find they won´t stick, (as some do) simply add some gloss coat to the back and re-atach

I now use Revell Gloss and Matt acrylic varnishes and they´re great for this. What ever you do don´t use solvent based stuff or your decals will melt and look like the creature from "Basket case"
You can see the results I had on my Frankenstein T55-18 on page 19.
Stick at it those choppers are coming on great.
@Sal: yet another one under your belt, looks cool dude.
@Jon: nice start, I shall be watching this because I also have that kit.