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End of Days 2 Campaign
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 07:32 AM UTC
hi guys

this is my list to santa for weopons for vehicle and building maybe

vehicle secondary

main weopon

cheers luca
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 07:40 AM UTC

ill try again


soldiers weopon

main vehicle

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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 08:06 AM UTC
Wow, it`s just awesome to read those backstories and see the discussion. The tone is really being set and I am loving it!

Now look at what I found hiding in a dark corner of an RC/Games Workshop store...

The base is in!
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California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 09:43 AM UTC
Luca, you should ask Santa for a REAL M240!

Anyone happen to have a PDF for food items/ general clutter items for 1/35?
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Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 10:21 AM UTC
Hi guys,

nice models and pieces on the workbench.
I like these weapons from live resin, they must be very good quality - although I never could lay my hands on these. But I surely will in the future.

My ideas what vehicle and figures to use are not going the military way. I wanted to do something completely different - no armor plated monster bristling with weapons. Rather less weapons, more desperation.

To be honest, I haven't read your stories because I did not want to copy any of your imagination.
If anybody has written something similar, please excuse me - I will catch up on anything during the next days.

My story and szenario has nothing to do with zombies or things like that, more a dark future which is more likely to happen.

The basic story goes like this (nothing new or surprising never read before story...):

During the next years mankind tries to do their best to completely maraude their planet.
New ways of exploitation of oil and ore fed the calming feeling that anything is possible and everything would turn out all right.
But I won't.
The new technologies led to instability in earth's crust, by what the soil over these areas collapsed, leading to heavy earthquakes and destroyed the rigs and mines. When the scientist learned the reason, it was too late. Too many mines had used the new technologies and thus leading to a complete loss of more than 50% of all raw materials in less than one year.

The countries which needed these raw materials the most suffered most. These included most western industrial countries, including China, Russia, Japan and India. Countries with a more rural economy had less problems - it's not surprising that Greece suddenly was on the winning side of the EU

What made the situation even worse was the clima that went wild. Extrem cold winters followed by to hot summers and occasional thunderstorm that flooded large areas made survival in the larger cities nearly impossible. Economy and commerce came to a creaky stop. The fight for ressources (suddenly it was not taken for granted to have fresh food and water whenever you wanted - a completely new experience for the spoiled western people) suddenly was the key for surviving.
The EU broke apart, heavy fighting between the former russian national states occured and in China the megacities lay abandoned, because everyone settled back to his or her hometown in the country.

In USA the work of generation - the United States - broke apart as many of the richer states made their thing alone. Or at least they tried. Large areas deserted, as the monocropping could not cope the extreme clima.
In the large cities heavy fighting started between the poorer inhabitants and the people, who could still afford to live a live in luxury. After the police could not sustain law and order, the national guard was called. The first civil war on north american ground since more than 150 years started and hell broke loose.

Only a few years later the large cities lie in ruins and the surviving mankind gathered together in small communities. Between these groups, that desperately tried to preserve a little relic of civilisation and humanity, are large areas where no rules apply - only Might is right.
As their supplies slowly depleted and nobody could repair the old high-tech, they tried to get into contact with other communities.
But as mobile telephony was a dream of their past, all they could do is send out messengers to find friendly communities to work together.

Unfortunately not many of these ambassadors came back to where they started.
But they never lost their confidence and repeatedly launched explorer to get information about the world they lived in.

They all had numbers to easily differ them from each other.
Sometimes they did not find another community, but only the remains of an older explorer...

My diorama is about such a finding.
The title of the diorama is:
Number 5 is dead

It is in 1:32 scale (54mm).
Please excuse my partly bad style - I am not the greatest storyteller and doing it NOT in your native language does not make it easier...

best regards

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Kildare, Ireland
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Posted: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 07:25 PM UTC

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Please excuse my partly bad style - I am not the greatest storyteller and doing it NOT in your native language does not make it easier...

Not a problem Thomas and your story (and english) is perfectly understandable. An interesting view of the future and as you say more realistic! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with...

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 02:09 AM UTC

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Paul, where did you order the Dragon support weapons kit? I've been having issues finding any weapons. Found one site with Trumpeters 9mm pistols... haven't found ANY shot guns or AK's except some vastly over-speced 'Speznats' variants. Guess I could always do a Russian zombie apocalypse?

Over here in the UK we have a very good - Very good retailer called Hannants.


They stock most of the newer stuff plus sometimes get a bit of the older stuff. It's not a bad set, 2x 50cal, 2x k 19's, m16a2 with ugl, 2x m870?, M249, etc. It was about the only set I could find though but they have plenty of stock (6 when I just looked and I guess fresh deliveries as I previously had the last set they were showing.). As for the AK's I've been looking and other than a few old dragon sets that I'd have to get from china I havenot had much luck. The old dragon Vietcong set I guess has some and maybe some of their newer modern Soviet otor rifle troop but I am not sure if they are easy to find. Tank make some resin ones though. I am going to look out for bits when I go to Euromillitaire weekend after next I may find something then.

As a side note I was just watching an episode of 'Sons of guns' Off discovery channel. It had Max Brooks the writer of world war Z etc. They had a small competition to come up with the best antizombie firearm. Was intresting.


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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 04:07 AM UTC
hi guys

i would like to present my final plans for my base/house for defence againt the hordes

the corner view of the base

a far view

a view of the planing room and maintenece room

another view

a view through the back of the planing room

roof positions


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Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 04:25 AM UTC
@ luca: that is an amazing piece of art work and looks great for a base camp. Is it above or below ground?

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 04:48 AM UTC

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@ luca: that is an amazing piece of art work and looks great for a base camp. Is it above or below ground?


hi bob

the base is above ground and is a richmans house who unfortunately is now a bit grey gaulish. the reason it is above ground is it offers a great view and is a confusing target for zombies. it has been converted for use. eg the living room is a planning room etc.

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 05:51 AM UTC
@ luca: there was a movie from the early 1970's called the "Omega Man" with Charlton Heston" maybe a bit dated but worth a look for his inner city fort like dwelling.

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 06:00 AM UTC
hi bob,

if im not mistaken your building 'wendy' who i believe is a fast attack vehicle. as this base is meant to be a forward operating base only fast attack vehicles are allowed. so if you'd be kind enough to tell me what kind of parts are needed to repair 'WENDY' and i can include them in the maintence area. EG spare guns, and spare basic parts

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California, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 06:55 AM UTC
Paul, I've heard of Hannants, pretty much every time someone says they got it in the UK, it's from Hannants, or Luckyhobby. I will check that out, and I think I have seen that Viet Kong set but the molding looked terrible!

Luca, very nice....everyone needs a terrace to relax on after a hard day of zombie killing; time for drunken pot shots at a stray zombie or two?
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 07:28 AM UTC
hi guys,

christopher: exactly the point of that terrace

if anybody has any things, that could be scratchbuilt, that they think would help their fight against the hordes please suggest them

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South Carolina, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 05:42 PM UTC
Christopher, try Googling it. The kit number is 3808. You should be able to find a few available at hobby sites. Aside from that, try calling around some area hobby stores. You might get lucky. You can try some of Dragon's SWAT style figure sets. Alot of those had shotguns in them. I've also found that the stocks from a PPSh makes for a good shotgun stock. Add some stretched sprue or thin tubing for barrels and you have a double barrel shotgun. Good luck.

Luca, Nice building. I'll look forward to seeing you build this one.

On that note, I'd love to see someone do a dedicated bunker. Or a small stronghold. Maybe title it "And They Thought I Was Crazy" or "Who's Crazy Now".
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 08:42 PM UTC
Ya know guys with all my ranting and raving over the last few days about ammo and guns i can't believe i forgot about shotguns ..without a doubt the best zombies stoppers there is ..think OO buck can drop one or two with a single shot and if ya lucky enough to get ya hands on a USAS 12 or AA12 then you can clear a room very very fast ,,with a USAS12 you can cover a 6 foot man size target with holes in under 2 seconds but i would be quite happy with a 8 shot Mossberg 500 .
Still miss my stainless 500 ,smooth as hell to shoot and using deer slugs everything falls down
Wouldn't say no to a Benelli super nove 12g .
I have a few 35th scale 12 g's in my weapons pile and i know for a fact some of them are Italeri and for the life of me i can't remember which set had them .
The ones Dragon make are very nice and the Benelli M4 Super 90 in one of their kits is very nice indeed ,would like to get more of them .

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Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 08:46 PM UTC
Luca, I am really curious how your house will looklike in the end. On Armorama some awesome WIPs of Dioramas with buildings are shown, but that would be to big and time-comsuming for me..
I would rather build something around the Zombie Apocalypse - if only there were Zombie-Figures in 1:35 or 1:32.
There are more than enough Zombies in 28mm to 32mm (ca. 1:60), but this scale does not offer many vehicles

My Diorama will be relatively small - only around 20cmx20cm.
Just to give you a sneak preview:

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California, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 09:15 PM UTC
Phil, I just died laughing! How do you forget the most cliche' weapon of all time (besides a katana....because those are always just laying about!)?

Thomas, good looking Mustang.

Alex, I don't need a set of 'Nam figures for two AKs; don't really care for the era with the exception of Navy aircraft (Phabulous Phantoms Phorever!).

EDIT: Solved it with Hannats no less, Alanger's Speznats Post-WWII comes with four figures (not interested), two basic AKs, an SVD and potentially a pistol.

Something completely random for us zombie-pocalypse people (though most of it is pretty obvious); going to see the new Resident Evil film tomorrow/today too!
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 09:55 PM UTC

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Phil, I just died laughing! How do you forget the most cliche' weapon of all time (besides a katana....because those are always just laying about!)?

Thomas, good looking Mustang.

Alex, I don't need a set of 'Nam figures for two AKs; don't really care for the era with the exception of Navy aircraft (Phabulous Phantoms Phorever!).

EDIT: Solved it with Hannats no less, Alanger's Speznats Post-WWII comes with four figures (not interested), two basic AKs, an SVD and potentially a pistol.

Something completely random for us zombie-pocalypse people (though most of it is pretty obvious); going to see the new Resident Evil film tomorrow/today too!

The Alanger....Urgh they will be very soft

Mind you having said that the poses of the 1st to igures might make good zombies and they are cheap!!
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California, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 10:09 PM UTC
Exactly what I though Paul! Up till that point I was starting to change my mind too! Almost bought the Trumpter USP .45 and UMP .45. I'm very annoyed by the fact there're thousands of figure sets, but only handfuls of weapons to be found, and usually just variants of themselves! 1/35th can't possible be vivid enough to show the details between a M16A1 and A2 model! Though at least we're spoiled for choice with optics and the like from the Live Resin line.

I'm going to bed now, 'tis only three AM.
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 10:12 PM UTC

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I'm going to bed now, 'tis only three AM.

Ok Night Chris LOL

P.s. I am not sure but looking at it again they might be a re-box of a Zevzda set or the Zev set is a Re-box of the allanger set LOL
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Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Posted: Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 10:30 PM UTC

Zombies in bullet proof vests?
Sounds strange to me...

Maybe the Preiser 1:32 range of figures work as basis?

What I found accidentally:
Zombie Diorama

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Nordjylland, Denmark
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Posted: Friday, September 14, 2012 - 12:13 AM UTC
Found this nice little dio...

Does this come under EOD
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Minnesota, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 14, 2012 - 12:21 AM UTC

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@ luca: there was a movie from the early 1970's called the "Omega Man" with Charlton Heston" maybe a bit dated but worth a look for his inner city fort like dwelling.


Good movie, especially with his house inside the city. Found out later it was the basis for "I Am Legend" starring Will Smith. But I'm not chopping up a fast car for this campaign; been there, done that.
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, September 14, 2012 - 12:21 AM UTC

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Found this nice little dio...

Does this come under EOD

I Dunno but it's damn cool!
