Hi guys,
nice models and pieces on the workbench.
I like these weapons from live resin, they must be very good quality - although I never could lay my hands on these. But I surely will in the future.
My ideas what vehicle and figures to use are not going the military way. I wanted to do something completely different - no armor plated monster bristling with weapons. Rather less weapons, more desperation.
To be honest, I haven't read your stories because I did not want to copy any of your imagination.
If anybody has written something similar, please excuse me - I will catch up on anything during the next days.
My story and szenario has nothing to do with zombies or things like that, more a dark future which is more likely to happen.
The basic story goes like this (nothing new or surprising never read before story...):
During the next years mankind tries to do their best to completely maraude their planet.
New ways of exploitation of oil and ore fed the calming feeling that anything is possible and everything would turn out all right.
But I won't.
The new technologies led to instability in earth's crust, by what the soil over these areas collapsed, leading to heavy earthquakes and destroyed the rigs and mines. When the scientist learned the reason, it was too late. Too many mines had used the new technologies and thus leading to a complete loss of more than 50% of all raw materials in less than one year.
The countries which needed these raw materials the most suffered most. These included most western industrial countries, including China, Russia, Japan and India. Countries with a more rural economy had less problems - it's not surprising that Greece suddenly was on the winning side of the EU
What made the situation even worse was the clima that went wild. Extrem cold winters followed by to hot summers and occasional thunderstorm that flooded large areas made survival in the larger cities nearly impossible. Economy and commerce came to a creaky stop. The fight for ressources (suddenly it was not taken for granted to have fresh food and water whenever you wanted - a completely new experience for the spoiled western people) suddenly was the key for surviving.
The EU broke apart, heavy fighting between the former russian national states occured and in China the megacities lay abandoned, because everyone settled back to his or her hometown in the country.
In USA the work of generation - the United States - broke apart as many of the richer states made their thing alone. Or at least they tried. Large areas deserted, as the monocropping could not cope the extreme clima.
In the large cities heavy fighting started between the poorer inhabitants and the people, who could still afford to live a live in luxury. After the police could not sustain law and order, the national guard was called. The first civil war on north american ground since more than 150 years started and hell broke loose.
Only a few years later the large cities lie in ruins and the surviving mankind gathered together in small communities. Between these groups, that desperately tried to preserve a little relic of civilisation and humanity, are large areas where no rules apply - only Might is right.
As their supplies slowly depleted and nobody could repair the old high-tech, they tried to get into contact with other communities.
But as mobile telephony was a dream of their past, all they could do is send out messengers to find friendly communities to work together.
Unfortunately not many of these ambassadors came back to where they started.
But they never lost their confidence and repeatedly launched explorer to get information about the world they lived in.
They all had numbers to easily differ them from each other.
Sometimes they did not find another community, but only the remains of an older explorer...
My diorama is about such a finding.
The title of the diorama is:
Number 5 is dead It is in 1:32 scale (54mm).
Please excuse my partly bad style - I am not the greatest storyteller and doing it NOT in your native language does not make it easier...
best regards