On the other side of the coin, here's a few things I noticed that you might want to think about (and most can still be added, if you want to).
1) The driver's vision port should not be body colored. It's either going to be an open hole, or have a piece of armored glass in it.
2) The slits in the headlight covers need to be darkened to give the impression that they are indeed slits. You can see the effect I'm talking about on both, the box art and the pics of the real tank.
3) The taillight and convoy light, need their lenses done. The tank isn't showing enough mud or dust to say that they are completely covered in either. A better effect would be to paint the lenses, then lightly dust over them.
4) Lastly, and this may be just personal preference, so take it with a grain of salt, is that a pin wash (added before dusting) into the crevasses of the hatch openings, and other seams on the tank, would add some 3-dimensionality to the vehicle.