I was here in these forums some weeks ago searching for information about the chinese tank ZTZ99B and I've got some replies and here I am!
I finally received my package from Hobbyeasy and I just started this tank a week ago. I must say this is my first modern armor kit, I'm used to make 1/12 scale motorbikes and civil airliners I'm also currently making the 1/350 Japanese battleship Yamato (more info in my signature).
I will be using the Bronco tracks, E.T Models Photoetched set (basic) and since the sideskirts were out of stock I had to pick the Voyager ones, hopefully both will match correctly.
I have to say that some etched parts were a bit rusty but anyway not a big deal, here I start posting pictures:
The kit: I was surprised about this kit, a rigid cardbox allowing to protect the parts on the inside, everything well presented, I like it, I'm going to buy HobbyBoss again.

I'm going to make the digital camouflage

Great figures! I just found them on Hobbyeasy, they are from the brand DreamModel

Here is a comparison between an original part and the photoetched one (very small parts!)

I'm using Tamiya's field grey XF65, Nato black XF63 and Buff, Light green from Vallejo.

The colors looks a bit darker in reality.

Sorry for posting so many pics.
Till the next update!
