Last evening I started on this kit:
As always, work started on the wheels:
With this kit U het 3 complete sets of return rollers and two different drive sprocket options.
Some basic hull work done:
Here also there are options for the lower front hull plate.
U can either get the bolted on armor, as i choose, or opt for the one peace 80mm front plate.
Gun assembled:
Again, al lot of options here. U can use the regular 7.5cm StuK gun (2 piece assembly) or use the 10.5cm StuH gun, either in metal (as I used) or a one piece plastic barrel.
Furhter, U can choose out of 2 different muzzle brakes, a normal one, or the oversized one as I choosed. Or, U can leave the muzzle break off. Both muzzle breaks comes as one piece castings, very nicely done.
On to the gun mantlet. Here also, U get the choice of 3 different mantlets. 2 saukopfblende with MG hole, or the rectangular one, also with MG hole as I used.
Here the gun dryfitted in the fighting compartment:
And a shot of the roof plate (not glued)
Thats all for now.