Steve and anyone else interested,
For the tarp I used tissue, white glue and water. I cut out a square from the tissue and let it soak in the white glue/ water mixture, then just layed it down and I sort of finds its own way to take the shape and get all the creases. if not you can lift it up after you placed it and creas it that way. I let it dry for 24 hours. For the painting it was all done by hand. The base coat was Humbols khaki drab# 72. after this dried, I drybrushed the tarp, picking up the creases w/ Tamiya's khaki XF-49. Once all this was dry, I washed the tarp with Grumbacher artist's water color Raw Umber Hue. And that's all there is to it! I didn't add any pastels and I still think it looks good.