The finished (unless there are any suggestions) DML SU85m. A very nice build, fun and went together well. I bent up the fenders a bit more, used strips of drink can for the straps on the cleats and replaced the rear grill with some thin screen.
Named by her crew "Ребенок Крика" :-)
I would like to dedicate this model to a few folks who have inspired me with their Soviet Armor modeling and those who have provided me valuable assistance and input.
We Will Hold - Superior expertile Lens expert
UofA Cat - Providing pics and suggestions
Slap Head - Great Soviet modeling to inspire
SS-74 - General expertile expert on everything, and a great friend
And the rest of the "guys" who hang out in the Armorama chat on MSN

Lens presented for inspection!

Took these pics in natural light #:-) Looking at the shadows I guess I could have done better... either need a better camera or a better photographer
Again, as always, any suggestions or criticism are welcome.

Semper Oink! (++)