Here is the latest stage of the AA T-44 (i22mm D25-T44D)

This is a very nice kit (except the wheels which were a bit hellish)...but I like it a lot...
I have washed the turret coating as I wish to try a 'dusting 'application on this one, eg the top coat colour only lightly applied so the wash shows should show the grain of the casting better
See the reat here
the textured base for it was appllied in a new way...a lot easyier as well...basicly I made a 'slurry' mix or the powder and thick liquid...and just painted that onto the primed surface, a 'wet mix' is best but it is easy to thin it more if it builds up to much...I then dry dusted a fine layer of the same 72/35 powder whilst it was still wet....a better result than the two layer method and at least 50% faster...easyier to control as well...
Hope you like the progress
...hope to see ya in Telford