I just had an idea and I wanted to see what you guys think and if there is any interest to this.
The idea is the following: A Sherman Series Group Build. The goal of this group build would be to build as many different variants of the Sherman that has been ever fielded. That would basically mean that we would strive, as a group, to build as many different Shermans as it is possible. That does not mean that we can't have repeats, but we would try to keep repetition to a minimum. For instance, if someone were to build a M4A3 75mm someone else would build a M4A3 75mm in winter finish or a Marine variant....etc, etc.
If you remembered back in the day we had a gallery here in Armorama dedicated solely to the Sherman. The other goal of this campaign would be to have another one, not necessarily on this website. We could set up a folder at the MSN Gallery dedicated to this where we could,on our own, update it.
The scale would be 1/35. You could build it out-of-the-box, superdetailed, aftermarket conversions or kitbashing to buid variants not offered by the manufacturers.
There would be no timeline set for this, just pick a variant, work on it and keep us all updated on your progress. If you are in the process right now of building a Sherman (like Twig with his M4A1 DD) just join in let us know what you are doing. The end of the Group Build would be when we were satisfied that we build every Sherman variant there ever was

Anyway, let me know what you all think and send me a Private Message letting me know if you would like to participate. I really think this could be a great group build.
By the way, the variant I would build would be a M4A3 76mm VVSS.
CDT Reimund Manneck
U.S. Army ROTC