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hey, peter
From what I am understanding from your post, when you paint on the resin, primer is essential, right?
I use primer with resin although some people don't with resin being so small at 1/35th scale. Some modelers just paint straight on the resin. The reason I prime resin, especially in larger scales, is that even after washing the resin, the resin is slick and smooth enough that paint may not stick to it when dried and touched. I've experienced that myself for unprimed resin after painting...the paint flaked off in my fingers. But this didn't happen when I primed the resin first and then painted. As such, spraying on primer first acts as a bonding agent to the resin and allows handbrushing of paint.
Thank you, Peter
Another one, Is there a way you can avoid over spaying primer on the 1/35 weapons? Sorry, I don't want to make you feel you are babysitting me

but I try to get more information before I get started it, hope you are ok with it.
