thanks Victor (my greatest groupie

I will be adding some rubble and some woodplanks ect, to the top, sadly I'mnot good at converting figs, and the figs available are not to my likin.
the scene is also not about being shot from above, the rpg team ran into the alley,hens the shilka gives them back some love....

@Bill; just you read the opeing of this topic, i mentioned architect foamboard, artshops near big artschools have them,Cadaplac or something the main firm is called, but I'm not's a semi soft foam between 2 layers of thick paper, 4mm,8mm,12mm are the thicknesses,sensative material, easily damaged,kinda a nightmare for "clean building" , but rather intresting for building "less clean" builds, aka everywhere people want a roof and not a CRIB to live in

glueing with wood glue (elmersglue I think the Us name is),keeping them together with needles(buy a box with 100's,preff the onces with a round head(easier to push through the cardboard) or the small head onces , those can be used to increase structural integrety(?).
or for the fast or delicate parts, CA, but beware, CA does mean, touch and stick!, you put it wrong , it'll stay wrong, and if removed you mostly rip a piece of the other part to pieces

nevermind the stuck fingers to dio mishaps.....
I then coat these foampieces with a plaster wall crack filler, from a tube, from Solvay ,but just take care it has to be water soluable,so you can make a thick paint with it , then brush on model,it soakes in,BEWARE too much water can cause wrapping of larger pieces!!
need more info PM me