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looks good, how is that kit to build overall?
I would just summerise the build as '' fantastic ''.
Did it go together pretty well? any major fit and finish issues or anything like that?
Sorry for asking, it's on my to build list and I have heard some good things about the kit, but I just wanted to get your opinion on the kit.
Sure Ask away. I didn't had any issues fit-wise. Sadly, my kit came with a somewhat wrapped lower hull/chassis so a considerable amount of force and time went into straightening it out.
The one thing I could nick pick is the tow cable. You might want to get some metal tow cable for yours. The other thing you might want to get is the metal barrel because if you are not careful, getting rid of the seams is a dangerous work.
Watch out for the weak suspenion arms pegs as well. I broke off two suspension arms so I had to pin them with a brass rod.