This is my first build log, so I hope to keep it interesting. I recently completed a Tamiya 1/48 Jagdpanther in the v.3 1/48 Campaign. I wanted to give this big cat a home, so time to make a diorama base. I have always liked the old Matchbox 1/76 Jagdpanther that had the base with the vehicle bashing trough a wall. I would like to use that as inspiration for this build.
Let us start with the scene planning.I started with a wooden base, stained and sealed. I then used some small tiles, cast wall parts and some styrofoam sheet to get the 'feel' of things.
The area to the left of the tiles will be a cobblestone street. The tiles will be the sidewalk, raised up on the foam. The wall will be the wall that the AFV has blown a hole in. Inside the walled area will be a garden-type yard or park.
Using the excellent molds from Diorama Debris in the UK, I cast a ton of cobblestones out of DAS clay - found in any craft store. Here is the start of the tedious process of laying cobblestones.
After a couple of sessions, here is the completed street.
Next I painted the glued down styrofoam a dark brown, so that there will be no 'white' peeking through as the build continues. I used these very bright colored stone tiles for the sidewalk. I found these at a craft store.
I hit these with some dark washes, which toned them down nicely. Here the sidewalk is installed, with a curb made out of cork. The cobblestones have their basecoat and the first two courses of the wall is up. Things are starting to take shape. The wall blocks are from the HirstArts company that make molds mainly for the miniature gaming community, but still handy. In 1/48, these blocks are 1'x2'x1', so usable.
Here is the start of the diorama. Please leave any comments and I will continue to post more as things progress.