Plese do not expect a highly detailed and commented build log, but just some kind of OOB build to show what you may expect and what you will find in the box.
Sorry for the crappy pictures, but I'm a far worst photographer than I'm a -so so- modeller...
On a general view the detail level is really good, no flash or sink marks found anywhere.
Let's start with the lower hull and stuff

I'll leave the suspensión arms and road wheels for later, so let's take a look at the front upper hull
Again, the pics suck, but you can get an idea...

Upper hull fits like a glove on the lower hull, no troubles here.
No need for sanding or putty, just the usual work to carefully remove the part from the sprue.

Just for -my own- fun, I glued the two halves of the turret to see where are we going with this build...
I sanded only a bit of the left front, and no sanding on the right side.
After taking these pics I follow on sanding the turret front. Here I have to advice that you'll have to sand it smoothly and with a lot of patience to avoid "changing" the armor shape.
For this particular version it should not be a main issue since most of the turret front will be hidden under the ERA blocks, but for other versions this will be a key point...

That's all for now
So far, as was with their T-90 cast turret kit, its an easy build, almost flawless.
Fitting of all the parts is excellent, no putty needed until this point.
I'll leave the moment to add all the endless PE "thingies" for as late as posible

I hope to post some significant advance later this week end