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Dude!!!!!!! These are great!!!!!! Love them!!!! Where did these come from? Who manufactures these? Do they come in life-size, wife thrown projectile protection units?
Seriously, Awesome!!!!
If I am not mistaken those are the MachienenKrieger 1/35th scale figures. Mostly solid plastic available from Hobby Link Japan or Rainbow 10. At HLJ go to the sci-fi listing and look for MaK.
Also Nitto, Modelkasten and Wave make 1/20th !!! scale suit KITS! There are 20+ kits in the series and they were the first Sci fi kits to have multi medial parts, some have etched antannae arrays, all have wire, springs and poly cap joints.
As for the scratchbuilding, it's the weapon on the first figure. I recognize a valve cover on the center section, other than that, I don't recognize any parts.
Check out the Mak kits at HLJ , they're great fun.