So let me try to explain....one day I had this weird idea pop into my head "hmmm wouldn't it be fun to paint a modern german Leopard 2 like it's WW2 counterparts", and well like you might imagine it took of from there. Since I knew it was possible to purchase a 1/35 Leopard 2 for basicly free on the interwebs, that's just what I did. I paid the price of simply 12.6€ (16.2$) and in my mind that's quite good value for money.
Overall the set is quite decent and the instructions are also pretty good most of the time, but I did run in to some fitting problems here and there (not a lot though!) but maybe it was just me being impatient (I don't really like the assembling process that much, I just look forward to the painting part :-D ).
So far I haven't that much more than building it, priming it and then laying down a simple sand,brown, green camo on it, but I'm thinking I'll do an ambush pattern on it, so still need a lot of small dots....but that's for future me to deal with.
Let's have some pictures!

Here you can see the finished tank, build straight from the box. I then primed it white and tried my hand with some simple preshading I belive it's called, not something I'd done many times before so was fun, might have gone overboard some places but who the hell cares.

(In hindsight I don't really think this step made thaaaat much of a different considering how it looks now :-p)
Then I did the Dark Yellow layer, followed by Olive Green and Nato Brown (all from Tamiya). I did try to highlight the camo slightly, so I started out with dark colors and then tried to lighten them, could have been better but again who cares, there's a first for everything.

All the above work was done 5 months ago, but recently I was able to get a bit of time to do some more work on this beast

Here's some images of the current progress. Still a looooong way to go, but pretty happy with the outcome so far, even though the ambush dots could have been better someplaces.....I really need a new better airbrush.

I'll try to keep this post up to date as I progress with this build, but if I should forget then check out my blog www.panzermarch.blogspot.dk and perhaps I just updated there :-p
Well anyway hope you like it

as always comments and suggestions are more than welcome. Just remember this isn't that serious of a build :-p more a case of "F*ck it that could be fun to build"