Started the second dio for Operation cover up yesterday. Cleaned up the figure and joined the torso halves and added the arms. Some milliput used to fill the seams between torso halves and right arm. The gaps were so big, I actually had to sculpt/shape (gulp) the milliput to suit. First time for everything, eh?
The Figure is a handschar(?) division SS trooper from DreamCatcher. I will also use the Verlinden 2cm Flak 38. I bought both of these for $10 at a IPMS sell/swap/buy meeting last year. Lot of work on the figure to remove the casting blocks, I think thats why the guy sold both as he got fed up with resin products.
I was reading an article by Rob Plas, how he joins resin parts. He inserts a layer of milliput, so that when halves are joined the milliput squeezes out and its just a matter of cutting of the excess. I tried this when joining the torso halves, but my milliput layer might have been too thick so the gap ended up bigger. I drilled both halves and inserted a small brass wire piece as well. This was glued in with 2 part epoxy. The arms I just used the epoxy and filled. The boots fitted perfectly, and the rest I will paint seperately and add later.Both hands and machine gun are white metal. I replaced the shoulder support of the machine gun with dragon 1/16 pieces from my spare box parts (I have always wanted to write this) as the white metal support pieces were not complete or badly cast.
All comments and critic are welcome!
